Helping you establish sustainable, healthy habits, no matter where you find yourself on your fitness journey!

Stacey of Fitness Momness jumping in the air in a pink romper outfit against a black background.

 I am a wife, a mom to four boys, and a health and wellness enthusiast. With a national certification in group fitness through AFAA as well as 6 specialty certification in various fitness formats, I enjoy programming workouts that are accessible and help you reach your goals. I LOVE movement and helping others feel better is one of my greatest passions.

Stacey of Fitness Momness making a muscle with her right arm in a black workout top.

Thoughtfully designed fitness programs planned for your long term success. The goal of my exercise programs is to help you move better, feel better, acquire new tools, and establish a mindset that will help you crush your goals.

The motto of Fitness Momness, it reads move better, feel better

“Feel better, move better” is not just a catch phrase, it is the philosophy behind all of my fitness and wellness programing. Research show us that moving regularly can improve your strength, stamina, mobility, mental health, bone density, and so much more. Aren’t these all amazing benefits you would love to experience in your life?

Join me as I provide the “how to” and encouragement for you to make changes in your life that last. Here, we are not interested in fads or trends that come and go; we are here to help you cultivate enduring life changes and set you up for a lifetime of success. Establishing a healthy lifestyle does not have to be intimidating. I’m here to partner with you and provide the encouragement you need to change your life for the better.

Stacey of Fitness Momness smiling at the camera while holding a drink in a glass mason jar with fruit accent and a pink straw

Check out the products and brands I love and use regularly. I’ve partnered with them to bring you a discount on some of my favorite things.