I’m a wife, mom to four boys, and fitness enthusiast.  One of the reasons I am so drawn to fitness is because it’s a big piece to the puzzle of feeling my best both mentally and physically.  I want to feel and function well, and I truly enjoy helping others achieve the same.  In some ways, I am still a child at heart, and love to play around and not take myself too seriously.  I will do handstands and back handsprings anywhere and go to great lengths for the sake of a fun photo.  I love to play games with my husband and kids, have dance parties, and create obstacle courses.  I also enjoy making silly music videos with my 8 siblings (yes, we are all adults).

I have always been a dreamer, as well.  I get passionate about ideas, I think big, I love to be inspired, I’m competitive, and I enjoy a good challenge - this is where my serious side comes out.  I thrive when I have a goal and enjoy working hard when I am passionate about the work.  Once I became a fitness instructor and found so much joy in helping others reach their goals, it began to snowball into something bigger every single year.  I regularly immerse myself in training, education, workshops, podcasts and enjoy learning as much as possible about mental and physical health.  I am here to help you reach your goals while having fun and enjoying life.  Balance is a beautiful thing, and I believe the journey towards reaching your goals can and should be something you enjoy rather than suffer through.

Have you tried workout programs before and felt lost afterwards (or even during), not knowing how to make it fit into your regular life long term? I’ve got you! My four week workout program is designed to set you up for long term success. In addition to providing full workout videos delivered directly to your inbox, I address the how and the why, include mindset tips, and encourage you to take small steps that will be achievable and sustainable, which is the best path toward big change that lasts. Sound good? Click here to view program details.