I’m an introvert who loves public speaking! If I'm being honest, this is partially due to the fact that my mom started entering me in speech contests at a very young age. My competitive spirit helped me overcome my introverted side, and I began to really enjoy it. When it comes to health, I believe there are so many people wanting to make positive change who just don’t have the information they need. There is a lot of misinformation out there. As science and research advance, we see changes in the advice experts give us for nutrition, fitness, and all aspects of health - it can be confusing! It feels good to feel good, and I truly love helping others incorporate changes that move them in the direction of their goals. I also believe that encouragement and motivation play a vital role in success, and it’s a blessing to have the opportunity to encourage and motivate others.

What makes me a great choice? I enjoy speaking opportunities and my passion shines through. I am not an expert in all things health, but I am a life-longer learner, immersing myself regularly in education with an open mind. I recognize that health looks different for everyone. There is no one-size-fits-all route to take, and it’s crucial to address health on an individual basis. I share general advice, personal experience, and individual tweaks to make my presentation one that a group of people can apply to themselves as individuals. I have years of experience as an athlete, trainer, and fitness programmer. My national certification with AFAA requires continued education, and I’ve also spent countless hours in format trainings and workshops, as well as continuously soaking up knowledge from other experts through podcasts, books and studies on a regular basis. I would love the opportunity to lead workout classes, fitness workshops, or speak about a wide variety of health topics at your event!

I would love to speak at your:

  • Workshop

  • Retreat

  • Fitness Event

  • Convention

  • Podcast

  • Workplace

  • and more!

Example Topics:

  • Fitness at Home

  • Benefits of Regular Workouts

  • Programming Workouts

  • Fitness Choreography

  • Healthy Lifestyle

  • Family Health

To inquire about Stacey’s services, please email info@fitnessmomness.com.