Terms of Use

These Terms of Use are effective as of January 1, 2024.


These Terms of Use cover important information about the platform, subscriptions, and any applicable fees.  Your subscription, use of programs, or use of any other services of Fitness Momness, LLC are governed by these Terms of use.

Welcome to the Fitness Momness Community!

These terms of use and any other terms and documents expressly incorporated herein, each as may be amended, supplemented or replaced from time to time (together, the “Terms of Use”) apply to you use of and subscription to or purchase from the Fitness Momness website (“Website”), Fitness Momness mobile application (“App”), bulletin board via the Fitness Momness App (“Bulletin Board”), or any of our other products or services, all of which are part of Fitness Momness’s platform (“Platform”).

These Terms of Use are entered into by and between you as a user (referred to as “User”, “you”, or “your”) and Fitness Momness LLC (referred to as “Fitness Momness”, “we”, “us”, or “our”), and superseded and replace any terms and conditions of services that you may have previously agreed with Fitness Momness in connection with the Platform.

Your access to and use of the Platform constitutes your agreement to be bound by these Terms of Use.  The offering of the Platform to you is condition on your acceptance of these Terms of Use.  If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, you must not access or use the Platform.

For more details about Fitness Momness’s privacy practices, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

  1. USER

1.1 Eligibility

By accessing or using the Platform, you can confirm that you are of legal age in your country, are not under 18 years old, have full power, capacity, and authority to agree to the Terms of Use and have not been previously suspended or removed from using the Platform.

1.2 User Account Creation

  1. To use certain features of the Platform, you will need to create a user account (each, a “User Account”) by providing your first and last name, an email address, a password, your date of birth, and other information that we may require.  Please provide accurate and current information when creating your User Account.

  2. Fitness Momness may, at its sole discretion:

    1. Limit the number of User Accounts that you may create or maintain;

    2. Stipulate additional conditions and requirements for the opening or maintaining of User Accounts; and/or

    3. Refuse to create a User Account for you.

1.3 Security

  1. By using the User Account, you will be responsible for maintaining the security of your User Account access credentials, for all activities that occur under the User Account, and any other actions in relation to the User Account (with or without your permission).

  2. Fitness Momness is not responsible for any loss or activity that results from the unauthorized use of your User Account due to your failure to secure your access credentials.

  3. You should not share the access credentials of your User Account (including passwords) with any other person or allow any other person to access your User Account.  You must immediately notify the Fitness Momness team in writing at info@fitnessmomness.com or any unauthorized use of your User Account or any other breaches of security.

1.4 Suspension and termination

  1. Fitness Momness has the right to suspend access to your User Account, or to terminate your User Account, at any time and for any reason (including where you are in breach of any of the provisions in these Terms of User), subject to Applicable Laws (as defined at clase 3.1 below)

  2. Your acknowledge and agree that these Terms of Use continue to apply even after your User Account expires or is terminated, or where you have stopped using the Platorm.


2.1 Subscription

  1. You can choose to subscribe to the Platform either on a monthly or annual basis, or for such other periods that Fitness Momness may offer from time to time, and the applicable fees are set out on the Website or on the App.

  2. Fitness Momness may offer promotional offers and special discounts from time to time which will be subject to separate terms and conditions to be read in conjunction with these Terms of Use.

  3. Eligibility for any promotions or discounts is ascertained at the time you subscribe and cannot be changed during the term of your subscription.  You are responsible for reading and understanding the specific terms and conditions applicable to any promotions or discounts.

  4. We reserve the right to change our pricing.  In the event of a price change, we (or the relevant app store from which your Subscription was created as an in-app purchase) will attempt to notify you not less than thirty (30) days in advance of the change (or the prescribed notice period set by the relevant app store) by sending an email.  If you do not wish to accept a price change, you may cancel your subscription prior to the price change taking effect.  If you do not cancel your subscription after the price change takes effect and prior to the start of your next billing period, your subscription will be renewed at the price in effect at the time of the renewal, without any additional action by you, and you authorize us to charge your payment method these amounts.  We will not be able to notify you any changes in applicable taxes.

  5. We reserve the right to revise and update the applicable frees for subscriptions (including the fees set out on the relevant app stores where you subscribe to the Platform) and the different subscription packages available, at any time at our sole discretion.  Any such revision or updates to the fees will apply prospectively to any subscription entered into following the effective date of the fee revision or update.

2.2 Free Trials

  1. We may provide a free trial subscription for a fixed period of time, as determined by us at our sole discretion.

  2. Unless otherwise stated in respect of specific promotions, free trials are only available to new Fitness Momness users, and we reserve the right to cancel any trial subscription immediately if we become aware that the subscriber has already had a trial subscription on a different User Account or using a different email address.  Any attempts to register for a further free trial on the same User Account or using the same email address may result in you being charged for the applicable subscription fees.

  3. Free trials are separate from regular billing periods, and upon expiration of your free trial, you will lose access to subscription content and your payment method will not be charged.

2.3 Payment Details

  1. You can pay the fees for your subscription through credit card.  The price of your subscription, as well as the currency in which your subscription is payable, will be specified during the order process, and may vary depending on your country of residence (as determined by the IP address of your device used to access the Platform).

  2. When you purchase a subscription, you must provide us with complete and accurate payment information.  By submitting payment details, you represent that you are entitled to purchase a subscription using those payment details.  If we do not receive payment authorization or any authorization is subsequently canceled, we may immediately terminate or suspend your access to your subscription. Fitness Momness reserves the right to contact the issuing bank/payment provider and/or law enforcement authorities or other appropriate third parties if these is suspicious activity.

  3. In addition to the subscription fees you are charged, certain banks and credit card issuers may charge a foreign transaction fee on transactions which take place overseas or in a foreign currency.  You are responsible for paying any such fees.

2.4 Automatic renewal of subscription

  1. Your subscription will automatically renew for the same term of your initial subscription unless you cancel your subscription at least twenty-four (24) hours before the end of the current billing period.  However, you may cancel your subscription at any time by navigating to your account page within your User Account and following the prompts to cancel your subscription.  Upon cancellation, you will still be entitled to access the subscription services on the Platform for the remainder of the duration that you have paid for.


3.1 By using the Platform, you confirm that you will not use the Platform for any of the following:

  1. Unlawful Activity - any activity that: (i) involves proceeds from any illegal or unlawful activity; (ii) publishes, distributes or disseminates any illegal or unlawful material or information; or (iii) otherwise violates, or could possibly violate, any civil and common laws, statutes, subordinate legislation, treaties, regulations, directives, decisions, by-laws, ordinances, circulars, codes, orders, notices, demands, decrees, injunctions, resolutions and judgments of any government, quasi-government, statutory, administrative or regulatory body, court, agency or association by which Fitness Momness or the User are bound in any jurisdiction applicable to the access and use of the Platform ("Applicable Laws").

  2. Unauthorized Use – any activity that: (i) interferes with, disrupts, negatively affects or inhibits other Users from accessing or fully enjoying the Platform; (ii) introduces to the Platform any malware, virus, trojan horse, worms, logic bombs or any other programme that would otherwise result in any technical glitch, malfunction, failure, delay, default or security breach; (iii) attempts to gain unauthorized access, whether through password mining or otherwise, to other User Accounts, computing systems or networks connected to the Platform; (iv) undermines the security or integrity of the computing systems or networks on which the Platform is hosted; (v) attempts to modify, copy, reproduce, reverse engineer or decompile the Platform or the computer programs used to deliver the Platform; (vi) uses the User Account information of another person to access or use the Platform; or (vii) transfers access or rights to your User Account to a third party.

  3. Abusive Acts – any act that: (i) defames, abuses, extorts, harasses, stalks, threatens or otherwise violates or infringes the legal rights (such as, but not limited to, rights of privacy, publicity and intellectual property) of any other person; (ii) incites, threatens, facilitates, promotes, or encourages hate, racial intolerance or violent acts towards any other person; or (iii) harvests or otherwise collects information from the Platform about other Users including addresses, phone numbers, email addresses and credit card details.

  4. Fraud – any act that: (i) attempts to defraud Fitness Momness or any other person; or (ii) provides false, inaccurate or misleading information to Fitness Momness.

3.2 Contributed Content

  1. You are solely responsible for all content or materials that you submit or otherwise upload to or through the Platform or to us (including any information contributed by you in respect of any blog, forum, and any comments, feedback or ideas that you send to Fitness Momness) ("Contributed Content") and expressly agree not to submit or upload any Contributed Content which:

    1. advertises or promotes any services or brands (with respect to you or any third party);

    2. contains material that is defamatory, discriminatory, obscene, indecent, abusive, racist, offensive, harassing, violent, hateful, inflammatory or is otherwise objectionable or illegal;

    3. you know not to be true and honest, or which spreads false or misleading statements;

    4. you do not have the right to submit or upload, including where the content may infringe any Intellectual Property Rights of any party;

    5. impersonates any person or entity or otherwise associates, infers or misrepresents the User’s affiliation with a person or entity;

    6. contains the personal details or confidential information of any third party unless that third party has expressly consented to such use and disclosure;

    7. contains, or links to, viruses, corrupted data or other harmful, disruptive or destructive files;

    8. constitutes unsolicited promotions, campaigning, advertising or solicitations, or other types of content which constitute "spam";

    9. may expose Fitness Momness or other Users to any harm or liability of any kind; or

    10. is contrary to any Applicable Laws.

  2. Fitness Momness has the right, but not the obligation, to monitor all conduct and content submitted to or through the Platform, and may in its sole discretion: (i) refuse to publish, remove or disable access to Contributed Content that it considers breaches these Terms of Use; or (ii) suspend or discontinue your opportunity to submit, post or upload content to the Platform.

  3. You acknowledge and agree that some of your Contributed Content may continue to be publicly available on the Platform after your User Account is closed or otherwise terminated, subject to your right to have your Contributed Content removed upon request in accordance with Applicable Laws.

  4. If you believe that any Contributed Content violates these Terms of Use or any Applicable Laws, including any copyright laws, you should report it to the Fitness Momness team at info@fitnessmomness.com.


4.1 Fitness Momess shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that the Platform is available to you. However, access to the Platform may be disrupted from time to time due to necessary maintenance, technical issues, network and system overloads or events outside of Fitness Momness's control. Fitness Momness will use commercially reasonable efforts to avoid downtime of the Platform, but assumes no liability if the Platform or any part thereof is unavailable at any time or for any period.

4.2. You acknowledge and agree that you are responsible for implementing sufficient procedures and checkpoints to satisfy your particular requirements for antivirus protection and accuracy of data input and output, and for maintaining a means external to the Platform for any reconstruction of any lost data.

4.3. You acknowledge and agree that Fitness Momness shall not have any liability or be responsible in any way for: (a) your use of the internet to connect to the Platform or any technical problems, system failures or security breaches; (b) the hardware that you use to access the Platform (including in respect of viruses and malicious software, and any inappropriate material) and the integrity and proper storage of any of your data associated with the Platform that is stored on your own hardware; or (c) any fees you may incur in order to connect to the internet for the purpose of using or accessing the Platform.

4.4. You must immediately notify the Fitness Mommness team in the event that you become aware of any part of the Platform malfunctioning or if you otherwise experience any material malfunction or other connectivity problem that adversely affects your access to or use of the Platform.

4.5. Users may also be required to download and install updates to the Fitness Momness App so as to maintain access to the Platform and its services. A User's failure to do so might lead to certain services offered on the Platform becoming temporarily inaccessible to the User until such update has been downloaded and installed.


5.1 Fitness Momness’s ownership of the Platform

All of the patents, trademarks, logos, trade names, rights in domain names, copyrights, moral rights, design rights, database rights, rights in undisclosed or confidential information (such as know-how, trade secrets and inventions (whether or not patentable) and other similar intellectual property rights (whether registered or not)) and applications for such rights as may exist anywhere in the world (collectively, "Intellectual Property Rights") in the Platform and the material published on and through it (except the Contributed Content) are owned by Fitness Momness, its licensors and other providers of such material and are protected by Applicable Laws. You may not engage in any activity on or through the Platform, including transmitting or using Contributed Content, that infringes or otherwise makes unauthorized use of another party’s Intellectual Property Rights.

5.2 User’s license to use Platform

You are not granted any right to use, and may not use, any of Fitness Momness’s Intellectual Property Rights other than as set out in these Terms of Use and subject to the following conditions:

  1. you are granted a limited, personal, non-transferable, non-sublicensable and revocable license to access and use the Platform (or any part of it or its contents) for your own personal use and may not copy, reproduce, republish, upload, re-post, modify, transmit, distribute or otherwise use the Platform (or any part of it or its content) in any way for non-personal, public or commercial use without prior written consent from Fitness Momness;

  2. you may not remove or modify any copyright, trademark or other proprietary notices that have been placed in any part of the Platform; and

  3. you may not use any data mining, robots or similar data-gathering or extraction methods.
    Fitness Momness reserves the right to monitor your use of the Platform and to alter or revoke your license or your access to the Platform at any time and for any reason. Your license shall terminate upon the expiry or termination of your User Account.

5.3 Contributed Content

  1. By posting or otherwise providing Contributed Content, you grant Fitness Momness a non‐exclusive, royalty‐free, transferable, sub-licensable, irrevocable, perpetual worldwide license and right to use (including commercial use), distribute, reproduce, display and otherwise make available such Contributed Content on and through the Platform (and across different media for any purpose) and you waive (and to the extent that you cannot so waive agree irrevocably not to assert) any and all moral rights to which you may be entitled anywhere in the world in respect of such Contributed Content.

  2. You represent and warrant that you own and control all of the rights to the Contributed Content, and have the lawful right to post or otherwise provide such Contributed Content on and through the Platform and otherwise provide Fitness Momness with such Contributed Content.


  1. In using the Platform, you may view content provided by third-parties, including links to web pages and services of such parties ("Third Party Content"). Unless expressly stated otherwise, Fitness Momness does not control, endorse or adopt any Third Party Content and has no responsibility for Third Party Content including material that may be misleading, incomplete, erroneous, offensive, indecent or otherwise objectionable in your jurisdiction.

  2. Your dealings or correspondence with such third parties are solely between you and the third party. Fitness Momness is not responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as a result of any such dealings, and you understand that your use of Third Party Content, and your interactions with third parties, is at your own risk.

  3. If you access the Platform through or using any services or software provided by third parties, you acknowledge and agree that Fitness Momness is not responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of your use of such third party services or software.


7.1 Limitation of Liability

  1. Nothing in these Terms of Use shall exclude or restrict Fitness Momness’s liability for: (a) death or personal injury resulting from the negligence of Fitness Momness or its Associated Parties (as defined in Clause 7.1(b) below); (b) fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; (c) any other matter that cannot be excluded or limited under Applicable Laws;

  2. Subject to the above, to the maximum extent permitted by Applicable Laws:

    1. in no event shall Fitness Momness, its affiliates and its and their respective shareholders, members, directors, officers, employees, attorneys, agents, representatives, suppliers and contractors (collectively, "Associated Parties") be liable for any:

      1. indirect or consequential loss; or

      2. loss of profit, business opportunity, anticipated savings, revenue or goodwill, in each case, whether arising from breach of contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty or otherwise, arising out of or in connection with authorized or unauthorized use of the Platform, or these Terms of Use; and

    2. Fitness Momness and the Associated Parties' aggregate liability in contract, tort, or otherwise (including any liability for any negligent act or omission) howsoever arising out of, or in connection with, the performance of its obligations under these Terms of Use in respect of any one or more incidents or occurrences shall be limited to the the total amount of fees received by Fitness Momness or the Associated Parties from you in connection with your use of the Platform in the twelve (12) month period prior to the date of the first incident or series of connected incidents giving rise to a claim made by you under these Terms of Use.

7.2 Disclaimers

  1. To the maximum extent permitted under Applicable Laws, the Platform and any product, service or other item provided by or on behalf of Fitness Momness are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis and Fitness Momness expressly disclaims, and you waive, any and all other warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title or non-infringement or warranties arising from course of performance, course of dealing or usage in trade. Without limiting the above, Fitness Momness does not represent or warrant that the Platform is accurate, complete, reliable, current or error-free, or free of viruses or other harmful components.

  2. To the maximum extent permitted under Applicable Laws, Fitness Momness is not responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any sort incurred that result from your use of, or inability to use, the features of the Platform.

  3. The features on the Platform that promote physical activity, nutrition or general wellness are for your informational purposes only and are not intended as medical advice or services, or for diagnostic or treatment purposes. Before engaging in any physical activity or making any changes to your lifestyle or diet, we recommend seeking advice from your relevant health care professional. Never disregard any advice from a health care professional because of something that you have read on the Platform. 

7.3 Indemnification

  1. To the maximum extent permitted by Applicable Laws, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless immediately upon demand Fitness Momness and the Associated Parties from any claim, demand, lawsuit, action, proceeding, investigation, liability, damage, loss, cost or expense including reasonable attorneys' fees, in any way arising out of, in relation to or in connection with directly or indirectly:

    1. your use of, or conduct in connection with, the Platform;

    2. your breach of these Terms of Use;

    3. the Contributed Content you provide; or

    4. your violation of any Applicable Laws or the rights of any other person or entity.

  2. You will provide Fitness Momness and the Associated Parties with any assistance that Fitness Momness and the Associated Parties reasonably requests in defending any such action or proceeding.


Fitness Momness may delete or modify any feature or part of the Platform at any time without notice. Fitness Momness may also revise and update these Terms of Use at any time in its sole discretion by posting an updated Terms of Use on the Platform. All such changes to the Terms of Use are effective immediately when posted to the Platform and apply to all access to and use of the Platform thereafter. Your continued use of the Platform following the posting of such revised Terms of Use constitutes your acceptance and agreement to the changes which are binding on you.


9.1 If you have any questions, feedback or complaints, please contact the Fitness Momness team by email at info@fitnessmomness.com.

9.2. These Terms of Use (including a dispute relating to its existence, validity or termination) and any non-contractual obligation or other matter arising out of or in connection with it are governed by United States of America law. The courts of the United States of America have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute arising from or connected with these Terms of Use.


10.1 Force Majeure Event

  1. A "Force Majeure Event" means any event beyond Fitness Momness’s reasonable control, including flood, extraordinary weather conditions or earthquake, or other act of God, fire, war, insurrection, riot, labor dispute, accident, action of government, communications, power failure, or equipment or software malfunction.

  2. If a Force Majeure Event occurs that affects Fitness Momness’s ability to perform its obligations under these Terms of Use, the Fitness Momness team will contact you as soon as reasonably possible to notify you and Fitness Momness’s obligations under these Terms of Use will be suspended and the time of performance of our obligations will be extended for the duration of the Force Majeure Event.

11.2 Data Privacy

We will only use your personal information as set out in Fitness Momness’s Privacy Policy (as amended from time to time).

11.3 Validity

If any provision of these Terms of Use is deemed unlawful, void or unenforceable, that provision shall be deemed severed from the remaining provisions and shall not affect their validity and enforceability.

11.4 Waiver

No waiver of any provision in these Terms of Use shall be valid unless in writing and signed by the parties. Any failure to enforce any right or remedy under these Terms of Use shall not operate as a waiver of the right to enforce such right or remedy in the future or of any other right or remedy.

11.5 Relationship of the parties
Nothing in the Terms of Use: (a) is intended to, nor shall create or be deemed to create, any partnership, joint venture, agency, consultancy or trusteeship, or (b) shall give rise to any fiduciary or equitable duties owed by Fitness Momness to you.

11.6 Third party rights

A person who is not a party to these Terms of Use has no right whether by applicable statute or otherwise to enforce any term of these Terms of Use.