Move Better, Feel Better

Welcome to

A 4-Week Program by Fitness Momness

Welcome, friend! I am so excited that you have taken this step towards improved fitness and wellbeing. With this program and everything I do, I hope to equip you with the tools for long term success and lasting lifestyle change. The Move Better, Feel Better Program is strategically designed to help you start to establish both healthy habits and a healthy mindset. I can’t wait to get started. Together, we’re going to work hard and have fun while doing it!

Are you on Instagram? Use hashtag #MoveBetterFeelBetter and tag me if you share photos or videos of any part of your journey in this program. I will reshare and cheer you on. Putting in the work is more fun when we have the support of others.

Program Materials

After this section of text, you will see the video player with a playlist of all the program videos. At the bottom left hand corner of the video player, there are two tabs: About & Resources. The about tab will show the description for the current video loaded in the player. The Resources tab is were you will find all of the program PDFs. You can download these to your own device to reference as desired. You will find a program calendar which outlines the entire 4 weeks of workouts, weekly PDFs which outline the workouts for just the week at hand, and an extra PDF called the “Habits Bucket” that you will learn more about later on. You will notice that the 4-week calendar indicates star workouts for the week. If you are just starting out and prefer to start with just two workouts per week, these will be the top priority workouts.

Introduction Video

You will want to watch the program introduction video first (which is linked at the top of the program playlist in the video player) as it will help you get acquainted with the Move Better, Feel Better program. Stacey will go over the calendar and also the equipment you will be using in the workouts.

Tip: Bookmark this page in your web browser, so you can easily access it when you need it.

Overview of the Program

In it’s entirety, this program includes 20 different full length workout videos, 4 mindset matters videos, and a video explaining Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (we’ll call it N.E.A.T) and how we will implement this concept throughout.

The program is broken down into 4 individual weeks with a repeating rhythm. You will notice that each day of the week has it’s own category of workout or focus area, and these categories will repeat each week with different workouts within that category. These categories were selected because they are each important for a well-rounded fitness routine, with full body workouts comprising at least 2-3 workouts each week.

Note: Feel free to take this program at your own pace. Remember, I want to set you up for long term success, and the best way to do that is to do what is manageable and not what overwhelms you. Focus on moving in the direction of your goals and enjoying the journey along the way. 

Move Better, Feel Better 4-Week Program

Sign in below to access the program videos, and don’t forget to check out the resources tab for the downloadable PDFs that go with the program.